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Spotlight: Ramon Santamaria

Creator of raylib

Ramon Santamaria
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Can you tell us a bit about your background?

I’m an Electronic Engineer but I’ve worked as a Games Developer and Academic Lecturer most of my professional life. I love videogames and I love investigating and learning about game making.

Are you currently working or have worked for a company in the past? What have been some notable achievements from your time there?

I worked in Electronic Arts for some years as a Localization Engineer, integrating text and audio into big titles. I also developed multiple localization tools for my team and other teams. Later I founded my own videogames startup, emegeme, and published several mobile games. I also worked as a Lecturer in several academic institutions, always teaching games development related subjects. Some years ago, I created raylib, a small C library originally intended for learning, that has become quite popular, even being awarded by Google and Epic Games. Two years ago, I started raylib technologies; my new startup focused on tools/tech development using raylib. I’ve published seven small tools at this time.

What inspired you to start (or join) this project?

Actually, I created raylib for my students. I had to teach videogames programming to young students with mostly art-oriented profiles. I wanted some library low-level enough to avoid too much abstraction of the concepts and enough easy-to-use to make it accessible to students with no previous coding experience. I had only 50 class-hours available to accomplish that. raylib worked surprisingly well.

What’s a brief description of this project?

raylib is a simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming.

What is the primary problem that this project solves?

Makes videogames development very enjoyable for students and hobbyist with or without experience. It keeps things simple, from environment configuration to library usage and code compilation.

What are some of the challenges you face as a maintainer?

Mostly lack resources. raylib has grown quite a lot, way over my expectations. It supports many platforms, and the community around it is growing exponentially. It really requires a lot of time to review and solve Issues/PRs, listen/answer the community, and maintain the library.

What is your vision/roadmap for the future of this project?

I try to be faithful to the original raylib idea: a simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming. I try to keep the library small and under control, and most of the significant changes are usually internal to make it more performant or better organized. I think simplicity is what made raylib so famous.

How can someone install/download this project?

raylib webpage includes a link to a Windows installer package with everything pre-configured (text editor, compiler, and library) and portable, the best option for most starter users. Advanced users can download the library from GitHub; releases are pre-compiled for multiple platforms, and system configurations and various projects and build systems are provided for custom compilation.

raylib documentation consist of a single cheatsheet and +120 code examples to start with.

Who is the ideal user of this project? What are some use cases of using this project?

Students and hobbyists. raylib is being used in several educational institutions around the world. A small showcase of projects made with raylib can be seen on GitHub.

Are there any success stories about other people or organizations using this project that you would like to share?

On GitHub, there is a list with some projects using raylib; also, raylib Discord has a channel where users show their creations almost daily. I am not sure if it counts, but raylib has also been bound to +50 programming languages to date. I don’t know any other games programming library that can be used with so many different programming languages.

What is coming up in the next release?

The initial plan for the next release is on GitHub.

But it will depend on users’ needs and also on my time to work on it.

They can sponsor the project on GitHub Sponsors, that’s my preferred network, but I also have a Patreon page.

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